
The North of Grand Neighborhood in Des Moines, Iowa, is located between 31st Street (east) and 42nd Street (west), and between I-235 (north) and Grand Avenue (south).

Our Mission
The neighborhood association’s mission is to ensure that existing and projected infrastructure systems are managed or developed so they enhance the physical, visual and spatial qualities of the neighborhood —promoting a healthy climate for area businesses, and public and private properties.

The 2014 North of Grand Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
President: Peter Tubbs
Vice President: Rachel Schacht
Treasurer: Chris Garza


Craig Owens

Jason Norris

Jim Raife

Jim Stavneak

Joshua Geneser

Justin Daniel

Kimberly Hansen



City Staff Liaisons
Yanira Scarlett, Des Moines Police Department: yscarlett@dmgov.org
Joel Van Roekel, DM Parks: (515) 681-2027, jmvanroekel@dmgov.org
Jon Raleigh, neighborhood inspector: jpraleigh@dmgov.org

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