Proposed Change to Ingersoll Properties Sparks Action

The Oct. 17 meeting of the DM Plan & Zoning Commission included this on its agenda:

“Request from Lee Family Properties LLC (owner) represented by Andy Lee (officer) for review and approval of a Site Plan under design guidelines in NPC Districts on property located at 3701 Ingersoll Avenue, to allow revision to off-street parking configuration and landscaping.”

See the proposed site plan

In response, the North of Grand Board of Directors drafted the following letter, which was read before P&Z Oct. 17:

The Board of Directors for the North of Grand Neighborhood Association has reviewed the site plan as well as the City staff recommendations for the properties located at 3701-3711 Ingersoll Ave.  Pursuant to our review and discussion, we offer the following comments:


  • Streetscaping as proposed by City Staff.
  • Adherence to NPC guidelines.
  • That the project be contingent on timeline / deadline and performance bonding.
  • The removal of the pole/sign bases at SE and SW corners of site.


  • The proposed 6′ easement on residential property to north in lieu of 10’ parking setback.
  • Any removal of trees on the adjacent property to the north.
  • 4 on-street parking spaces on west side of 37th Street (currently no parking).
  • Any reduction in minimum parking requirements.

Numerous infractions and unfulfilled agreements have been associated with these properties over the last months and years.  In this case, the Neighborhood believes past behavior is a reasonable indicator of future behavior.  We have little confidence that the site plan requirements will be completed in a timely and satisfactory manner, if at all.

Therefore, it is the position of our board, that the proposed site plan meet, or exceed, all minimum requirements, as well as the requirements recommended by City Staff.


Kimberly Hansen, President
North of Grand Neighborhood Association

The Commission deferred the item until its Nov. 7 meeting, which will begin at 5:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers, 400 Robert D. Ray Drive. You can view the agenda and meeting minutes here:

We encourage any and all Ingersoll business owners and residents who wish to speak to this issue to please plan to attend the Nov. 7 meeting and voice your opinion.



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