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I-235 Clean Up Oct. 12
FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF and help your neighborhood shine this Saturday by helping us out with the I-235 clean up. Our neighborhood shares its boundary with the freeway between 42nd and 31st Streets and it is our responsibility to help keep it clear of trash and debris. Join us for a few hours of exercise and neighborliness Oct. 12 from 8-10 a.m.; Volunteers will meet at 7:50 AM behind the Fire station at 42nd and Pleasant. There will be bagels and coffee before we start. The clean up will take about 2 hours. Dress for the weather, wear work clothes and be prepared for tall wet grass. All ages above 14 are welcome. Sign up by contacting Ben Molloy, yurikakanai-molloy@mchsi.com.
Meet & Greet Reception Oct. 14
Stop by Caribou Coffee Ingersoll after work to meet members of the North of Grand Neighborhood Association Board of Directors. If you are interested in learning more about board opportunities, or just want to know what’s happening in your neighborhood, drop in any time between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 14. This is a casual get together – everyone is invited!
Historic Home Walking Tour Oct. 20
Sunday, Oct. 20, 2013
2 PM, start at 736 37th St.
In November, 1924, Better Homes & Gardens published an article entitled, “Getting Neighborliness in your Neighborhood,” featuring the early formation of the “Center-Soll” neighborhood, from roughly 36th-38th streets; Center Street to Ingersoll Ave. Architect Tom Wollan will lead a 1.5 mile-long route through “Center-Soll,” in which participants will veiw the exteriors of several residential architectural styles, including significant bungalows, and well-known establishments like Tanglefoot Cottage, Ingersoll Theater and Bauder Pharmacy. The tour will end with an open house celebrating the 100th birthday of the home of Tom and Pat Wollan, 638 39th St. from 3:30-5 p.m. The event is supported in part by the Polk County Community Betterment Grant program. Wear comfortable shoes. Rain or shine. On-street parking. Event is free and open to the public. Call Colleen Kinney, (515) 664-9183 with any questions or visitwww.northofgrandneighborhood.org.